The Story

This is a series of award-winning films that we produced for the Scottish Police Federation to highlight the reality of modern policing in Scotland.  Commissioned by our good friends Tinker Taylor, the brief called for us to portray some of the immensely difficult situations that face officers on a daily basis.

As well showing in Scottish cinemas, the campaign aimed to create wide spread discussion online. The films reached over a million hits on YouTube within the first few weeks and have had lots of exciting press coverage, featuring in over 40 industry publications, with highlights including Campaign Magazine’s Ad of the day, Ad Age’s pick of the day, 5 stars on David reviews, a feature on The Guardian’s website and a three minute piece on BBC1 Scotland’s 10 O’clock news.

The Result

The Thinking

The films were designed to remind us that the police often have to make extraordinary decisions in order to protect the public and themselves. The stories follows police officers as they attend every day incidents - a domestic disturbance, a road traffic incident and a brawl in a pub. Things take a turn for the worse, presenting the officers with dangerous, life threatening decisions to make and the campaign posed the question: What would you do?

All 3 films were filmed as single, continuous shots with no edits.  We didn’t want to give the viewer any opportunity to take their eyes off the action as the tension gathers momentum.  By using a single continuous take and not cutting between shots, the audience are forced to stay locked in the moment with the officer, living through the situation as the story unravels frame by frame.

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The Making

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