
We're on a journey to mark more films with a positive environmental message and to make all of our films in a sustainable and climate positive way.

Creativity should not kill the planet.

With such an extreme shift in the earth’s temperature over the last decade, it’s obvious that net zero isn’t enough.

Our strategy is to remove more carbon from the world’s atmosphere than we create. Continuously growing, learning and developing our sustainability strategy is essential to do the absolute best by the planet we live in.

Leading the way in Climate Neutral Production.

When we started Heroic we did so with the idea of having carbon neutral productions - this was something we thought we’d largely achieve by offsetting after shoots. For this we track the output, create a report and offset the necessary amount. This was a good starting point but it wasn’t enough. We now prioritise the reduction of environmental impact upfront over offsetting at the end.

We have engaged Ecologi, an incredible environmental organisation, so that we can invest in trusted climate projects to offset our emissions. This is not the end goal but it’s a step in the right direction.

If this resonates with you then we look forward to working together.

Every step matters.

The steps we’re taking

towards a better future.

Remote Working

We have no fancy offices and whenever possible conduct meetings and pre-production work remotely to reduce travel.

Bring your bottle

Plastic bottles are not allowed on our productions. Crew and attendees bring their refillable water bottles and we bring the water.

Employ local

We use freelance teams, hand-picked for your production and employ local crew as much as we can to reduce the carbon emissions associated with travel.

Paperless production

No call sheets, production documents or invoices are printed.

Sharing the knowledge

We encourage our crew and suppliers to attend industry backed training courses on sustainable production and continue to seek the best partners to deliver this training.

Lighting the way

Wherever possible we use energy efficient LED lighting on all productions and if we do have to shoot on set, we’ll choose a studio that gets its power from renewable sources.

Carbon off-setting

Last step rather than a first, we measure and offset the carbon footprint of our productions and offer our clients the opportunity to match our contribution, leading to carbon positive productions.

Remote Working

We have no fancy offices and whenever possible conduct meetings and pre-production work remotely to reduce travel.

Bring your bottle

Plastic bottles are not allowed on our productions. Crew and attendees bring their refillable water bottles and we bring the water.

Employ local

We use freelance teams, hand-picked for your production and employ local crew as much as we can to reduce the carbon emissions associated with travel.

Reuse, re-home or donate

Props, left over food and costumes will not go to waste. We make sure they get a new home.

Paperless production

No call sheets, production documents or invoices are printed.

Sharing the knowledge

We encourage our crew and suppliers to attend industry backed training courses on sustainable production and continue to seek the best partners to deliver this training.

Lighting the way

Wherever possible we use energy efficient LED lighting on all productions and if we do have to shoot on set, we’ll choose a studio that gets its power from renewable sources.

Carbon off-setting

Last step rather than a first, we measure and offset the carbon footprint of our productions and offer our clients the opportunity to match our contribution, leading to carbon positive productions.

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