The Story

We’re working with an exciting new cycling brand, REAP. They liken themselves to the McLaren of performance bicycles and they are a company that is built on passion. A high performance bike brand like no other. Set on becoming the first British bike manufacturer to win the Tour De France since the 1980s. They are on a mission and we are dedicated to helping them get there.

The owner Martin Meir was a GB triathlete and he simply wants to make the best racing bikes in the world. He is absolutely uncompromising in that goal and we love that! We’re happy to support REAP as they grow and continue their journey to taking over the performance bike industry.

The Result

£400k Investment

Secured in Seed Funding

The Thinking

These bikes are designed like formula one cars and tested in the same facility! We wanted to show the precision engineering that went into crafting them, so we filmed in the wind tunnel at Silverstone and in a disused victorian rail tunnel that has been converted into an aerodynamics testing facility.

Cycling is about more than the technology though, it's about the ride. So we got the bikes out on the road to see the pure exhilaration you feel riding a REAP bike.

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The Making

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